Pastele este pentru mine o sarbatoare de liniste, pace, lumina. Ma bucur de timul liber, de vremea frumoasa (sau nu :) ) de curatenia din casa. Ma bucur de schimbare, de transformare. Asa simt eu Pastele de fiecare data, ca un fel de curatare profunda, o schimbare energetica pana la cel mai profund nivel.
Si chiar este. Cel putin la mine. In weekendul urmator plec pentru un timp in alta tara. O provocare extrem de mare ptr mine. Transform iar tot, ma transform iar la nivel profund si ... merg inainte. O alta bucata de viata, ale lectii de invatat, alte lucruri de trait, un alt drum.Sunt curioasa si increzatoare in ce-mi va aduce viata in cale.
Ce am lucrat de data aceasta? Coronite, pentru o colega. Doua coronite fumoase, inflorate, vesele, primavaratece.
Si ce am mai facut? Hmmm, a fost saptamana altfel a scolilor so, am lucrat impletituri, am facut cosulete decorate si am vospit oua din plastic. A fot superfun :).
Passover si for me a peaceful, quiet, bright celebration. I enjoy my free time, nice weather (or not so nice :D), my cleaned house. I enjoy change and transformation. This is how I feel Passover; as a profound cleaning, an energetic change on every level.
An so it is! At least for me. Next weekend I am moving to another country. A very provocative thing for me. I again change everyting, I change myself again and ... go forward. Another piece of life, new lessons to be learned, new things to be lived, another road. I am curious and confident in what life has for me on this new road :).
Meantime, what have I created for tis Passover? Not much. I have worked with a lot of kids in "Different week" and made a lot of funny things. And also, amde for a former colleague some floral wreath.
Enjoy them :).
Si chiar este. Cel putin la mine. In weekendul urmator plec pentru un timp in alta tara. O provocare extrem de mare ptr mine. Transform iar tot, ma transform iar la nivel profund si ... merg inainte. O alta bucata de viata, ale lectii de invatat, alte lucruri de trait, un alt drum.Sunt curioasa si increzatoare in ce-mi va aduce viata in cale.
Ce am lucrat de data aceasta? Coronite, pentru o colega. Doua coronite fumoase, inflorate, vesele, primavaratece.
Si ce am mai facut? Hmmm, a fost saptamana altfel a scolilor so, am lucrat impletituri, am facut cosulete decorate si am vospit oua din plastic. A fot superfun :).
Passover si for me a peaceful, quiet, bright celebration. I enjoy my free time, nice weather (or not so nice :D), my cleaned house. I enjoy change and transformation. This is how I feel Passover; as a profound cleaning, an energetic change on every level.
An so it is! At least for me. Next weekend I am moving to another country. A very provocative thing for me. I again change everyting, I change myself again and ... go forward. Another piece of life, new lessons to be learned, new things to be lived, another road. I am curious and confident in what life has for me on this new road :).
Meantime, what have I created for tis Passover? Not much. I have worked with a lot of kids in "Different week" and made a lot of funny things. And also, amde for a former colleague some floral wreath.
Enjoy them :).