O noua lucrare,
facuta printre picaturi. Insa m-am bucurat de fiecare moment in parte.
Crizantema i-am spus.
Fir de iuta vopsit; detalii pene colorate, floare din panza de sac colorata, fluturi si bilute colorate. :)
Cufarasul Juliei
Creație, inspirație, originalitate, unicitate, plăcere, bucurie.
luni, 3 august 2015
duminică, 10 mai 2015
Poze / Pictures
Si iata imaginile cu ultima mea creatie. Doar doua si nu f bune pentru ca inca nu am un aparat foarte bun si pozez cu telefonul, dar cele mai bune pe care le pot face in acest moment. :).
Bucurati-va de ele! :)
So, here they are; pictures with my latest creation. Not so best because I still don't have a good camera but as best as I could made them now.
Bucurati-va de ele! :)
So, here they are; pictures with my latest creation. Not so best because I still don't have a good camera but as best as I could made them now.
sâmbătă, 9 mai 2015
Deci sunt in Anglia. Si ... astept. Ca sa incep sa lucrez am de primit un cazier juridic de aici. Care nu mai vine. De vreo 3 saptamani deja.
Hmmm, plictisitor. Intre timp insa, ma plimb, dorm, ma odihnesc si lucrez. Am gasit aici sfoara de iuta deja colorata in multe, multe, multe culori. Bineinteles ca am cumparat. Ce a iesit veti vedea maine. O a doua lucrare colorata pe care am s-o numesc "Inceputul". Asta este inspiratia mea de acum. Poate ca maine voi schimba numele. Cine stie?
So, I am in England. And I am waiting. For m to begin to work I have to receive a document from English authoritiers. It is what they call DBS. And it is not coming. And there are already three weeks.
Boring. Meanwhile, I walk, sleep, rest and work. To my macrames. I've found here jute twing in so many colours. Of course I have baught myself and started to do things. What resulted you'll se tomorrow. A second coloured work which name will be "The Start". This is my today inspiration. Maybe tomorrow I'll change it's name. Who knows?
Hmmm, plictisitor. Intre timp insa, ma plimb, dorm, ma odihnesc si lucrez. Am gasit aici sfoara de iuta deja colorata in multe, multe, multe culori. Bineinteles ca am cumparat. Ce a iesit veti vedea maine. O a doua lucrare colorata pe care am s-o numesc "Inceputul". Asta este inspiratia mea de acum. Poate ca maine voi schimba numele. Cine stie?
So, I am in England. And I am waiting. For m to begin to work I have to receive a document from English authoritiers. It is what they call DBS. And it is not coming. And there are already three weeks.
Boring. Meanwhile, I walk, sleep, rest and work. To my macrames. I've found here jute twing in so many colours. Of course I have baught myself and started to do things. What resulted you'll se tomorrow. A second coloured work which name will be "The Start". This is my today inspiration. Maybe tomorrow I'll change it's name. Who knows?
duminică, 12 aprilie 2015
Sarbatoarea Pastelui si Coronitele mele inflorate (Passover and my Floral Wreath)
Pastele este pentru mine o sarbatoare de liniste, pace, lumina. Ma bucur de timul liber, de vremea frumoasa (sau nu :) ) de curatenia din casa. Ma bucur de schimbare, de transformare. Asa simt eu Pastele de fiecare data, ca un fel de curatare profunda, o schimbare energetica pana la cel mai profund nivel.
Si chiar este. Cel putin la mine. In weekendul urmator plec pentru un timp in alta tara. O provocare extrem de mare ptr mine. Transform iar tot, ma transform iar la nivel profund si ... merg inainte. O alta bucata de viata, ale lectii de invatat, alte lucruri de trait, un alt drum.Sunt curioasa si increzatoare in ce-mi va aduce viata in cale.
Ce am lucrat de data aceasta? Coronite, pentru o colega. Doua coronite fumoase, inflorate, vesele, primavaratece.
Si ce am mai facut? Hmmm, a fost saptamana altfel a scolilor so, am lucrat impletituri, am facut cosulete decorate si am vospit oua din plastic. A fot superfun :).
Passover si for me a peaceful, quiet, bright celebration. I enjoy my free time, nice weather (or not so nice :D), my cleaned house. I enjoy change and transformation. This is how I feel Passover; as a profound cleaning, an energetic change on every level.
An so it is! At least for me. Next weekend I am moving to another country. A very provocative thing for me. I again change everyting, I change myself again and ... go forward. Another piece of life, new lessons to be learned, new things to be lived, another road. I am curious and confident in what life has for me on this new road :).
Meantime, what have I created for tis Passover? Not much. I have worked with a lot of kids in "Different week" and made a lot of funny things. And also, amde for a former colleague some floral wreath.
Enjoy them :).
Si chiar este. Cel putin la mine. In weekendul urmator plec pentru un timp in alta tara. O provocare extrem de mare ptr mine. Transform iar tot, ma transform iar la nivel profund si ... merg inainte. O alta bucata de viata, ale lectii de invatat, alte lucruri de trait, un alt drum.Sunt curioasa si increzatoare in ce-mi va aduce viata in cale.
Ce am lucrat de data aceasta? Coronite, pentru o colega. Doua coronite fumoase, inflorate, vesele, primavaratece.
Si ce am mai facut? Hmmm, a fost saptamana altfel a scolilor so, am lucrat impletituri, am facut cosulete decorate si am vospit oua din plastic. A fot superfun :).
Passover si for me a peaceful, quiet, bright celebration. I enjoy my free time, nice weather (or not so nice :D), my cleaned house. I enjoy change and transformation. This is how I feel Passover; as a profound cleaning, an energetic change on every level.
An so it is! At least for me. Next weekend I am moving to another country. A very provocative thing for me. I again change everyting, I change myself again and ... go forward. Another piece of life, new lessons to be learned, new things to be lived, another road. I am curious and confident in what life has for me on this new road :).
Meantime, what have I created for tis Passover? Not much. I have worked with a lot of kids in "Different week" and made a lot of funny things. And also, amde for a former colleague some floral wreath.
Enjoy them :).
luni, 30 martie 2015
Ultima mea creatie / My latest creation
Mandala in mov si portocaliu / Mauve and orange mandala
Am facut mandala aceasta la dorinta unei colege dragi. Pentru ca si-a dorit aceste culori, mov si portocaliu, a durat un pic pana am facut rost de materialele de care aveam nevoie. Trebuiau sa fie culorile dorite si in acelasi timp firul sa aiba o anume consistenta astfel incat sa pastreze in el modelul lucrat. So, pentru aceasta lucrare am ales fir de lana 100% lana vopsita in mov si portocaliu. Si a iesit ceea ce vedeti mai jos.
I've create this mandala for oane of my dearest colleaugue. Because she wanted this particula colours: mauve and orange it took me a while to finde the materials I needed. It had to be in desired colors and also it had to have some consistency so to keep in it working model. And so, for this work I choose 100% wool yarn dyed in mauve and orange. And voiala the result!
Enjoy it!

marți, 3 martie 2015
Macrame handmade - noduri/knots - Lectia 3, Lesson 3
Astazi voi incepe sa va explic nodurile folosite in macrame.
In primul rand, ca sa incepem orice lucrare in macrame sau micromacrame trebuie sa ne prindem cumva firele.
In micromacarme, lucrurile stau un pic altfel. In sensul ca tipul de prindere nu necesita neaparat fixarea firelor pe un suport initial care sa fie si capatul lucrarii. Astfel, la o bijuterie care include o piatra de exemplu, firele se fixeaza in jurul acesteia si apoi se termina in bratele bijuteriei (care poate fi bratara, inel, colier etc). De asemenea, daca vb de ex de realizarea unei bratari firele, la capete pot fi fixate cu acele capete de bratari pe care apoi se prind inchizatorile acesteia.
In macrame, in lucrarile mari, in realizarea de panouri decorative, lucrurile stau un pic altfel. Firele necesita un anumit tip de suport pe care apoi vine creata lucrarea.
Ca si fixare a firelor se foloseste cel mai mult nodul tip lat sau mai literar, nodul de capat. Cum faci un lat? F simplu. Pui firul in doua si prin bucla bagi capetele celor doua jumatati de fir. Oki, acum ca am fixat firele pe suportul pe care vrem se ne realizam lucrarea, sa invatam si cateva noduri de baza.
Primul nod si cel mai simplu: nodul patrat. Acesta implica existenta a 4 fire dintre care doua, cele din mijloc sunt fire purtatoare si cele doua exterioare se numesc fire lucratoare.
Un astfel de nod arata astfel:
In primul rand, ca sa incepem orice lucrare in macrame sau micromacrame trebuie sa ne prindem cumva firele.
In micromacarme, lucrurile stau un pic altfel. In sensul ca tipul de prindere nu necesita neaparat fixarea firelor pe un suport initial care sa fie si capatul lucrarii. Astfel, la o bijuterie care include o piatra de exemplu, firele se fixeaza in jurul acesteia si apoi se termina in bratele bijuteriei (care poate fi bratara, inel, colier etc). De asemenea, daca vb de ex de realizarea unei bratari firele, la capete pot fi fixate cu acele capete de bratari pe care apoi se prind inchizatorile acesteia.
In macrame, in lucrarile mari, in realizarea de panouri decorative, lucrurile stau un pic altfel. Firele necesita un anumit tip de suport pe care apoi vine creata lucrarea.
Ca si fixare a firelor se foloseste cel mai mult nodul tip lat sau mai literar, nodul de capat. Cum faci un lat? F simplu. Pui firul in doua si prin bucla bagi capetele celor doua jumatati de fir. Oki, acum ca am fixat firele pe suportul pe care vrem se ne realizam lucrarea, sa invatam si cateva noduri de baza.
Primul nod si cel mai simplu: nodul patrat. Acesta implica existenta a 4 fire dintre care doua, cele din mijloc sunt fire purtatoare si cele doua exterioare se numesc fire lucratoare.
Un astfel de nod arata astfel:
In imaginea de mai sus este o lucrare realizata din noduri patrate.
Ca si tehnica de realizare, nodul poate fi inceput ori din stg ori din dreapta. Sa presupunem ca incepem din stanga (partea mea favorita, stangace fiind :).
1. Firul din stanga se indoaie peste ambele fire purtatoare.
2. Firul din dreapta se trece peste cel din stanga dar prin spatele celor doua fire purtatoare
3. Se trage de extremitati si astfel s-a realizat prima jumatate de nod.
4. Ca sa inchidem nodul, realizam exact aceleasi operatii dar din dreapta spre stanga.
Ceea ce rezulta este unul dintre nodurile din imaginea de mai sus.
Iar acum nu pot sa va spun decat sa exersati. Iar daca va place cu adevarat, lucrurile vor merge de la sine. :)
Pana la urmatoarea lectie, spor la lucru!
Today I will begin to explain nodes used in macrame.
First, as we begin any work in macrame or micromacrame we must somehow cling our wires.
In micromacarme, things are a little different. This kind of work does not necessarily require fixing wires on an initial support. Thus in a piece of jewelry that includes a stone for example, the wires are fixed arround the stone and then ends in the arms of jewelry (which can be a bracelet, a ring, a necklace, etc.).
In macrame, in large works, in making decorative panels, things are a little different. The wires require a certain type of initial support on which afterwards we creat our work.
Wires are fixed on the initial support with the end knote. How can it be done? Very simple. Bend a wire in two and through the formed loop you will put the ends of the wires.
Oki, now that we have fixed the wires on the support we are going to leran basic knots. few basic knots.
The first node is the square knot. This implies the existence of four wires, from which the ones in rhe middle are the wires on which we work and the exterior ones are the working wires.
Such a node looks like in the above picture.
This kind of knote can be started either from the right or left. Suppose we start from left (my favorite part, being left handed :)).
1. Bend the left thread over both carrying wires.
2. Then bend the right thread to left but behind the two carrying wires.
3. Pull the ends and thus made the first half of the node.
4. To close the node do exactly the same operation but from right to left.
What results is one of the nodes in the picture above.
Until the next lesson, exercise :).
luni, 2 martie 2015
Martisoare - Trinckets
Ei si a trecut si Martisorul. Nu am lucrat f mlt insa ce am facut am facut cu placere maxima. Am redescoperit broderia si ... am aplicat. :)
So the Martisor festivity is over. I haven't worked too much but what I have done I've done with a lot of pleasure. I have redescovered the embrodery and... aaplied :).
So the Martisor festivity is over. I haven't worked too much but what I have done I've done with a lot of pleasure. I have redescovered the embrodery and... aaplied :).
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