Deci sunt in Anglia. Si ... astept. Ca sa incep sa lucrez am de primit un cazier juridic de aici. Care nu mai vine. De vreo 3 saptamani deja.
Hmmm, plictisitor. Intre timp insa, ma plimb, dorm, ma odihnesc si lucrez. Am gasit aici sfoara de iuta deja colorata in multe, multe, multe culori. Bineinteles ca am cumparat. Ce a iesit veti vedea maine. O a doua lucrare colorata pe care am s-o numesc "Inceputul". Asta este inspiratia mea de acum. Poate ca maine voi schimba numele. Cine stie?
So, I am in England. And I am waiting. For m to begin to work I have to receive a document from English authoritiers. It is what they call DBS. And it is not coming. And there are already three weeks.
Boring. Meanwhile, I walk, sleep, rest and work. To my macrames. I've found here jute twing in so many colours. Of course I have baught myself and started to do things. What resulted you'll se tomorrow. A second coloured work which name will be "The Start". This is my today inspiration. Maybe tomorrow I'll change it's name. Who knows?
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