Materiale folosite in macrame
De la cel mai subtire pana la cel mai gros, orice fir poate fi folosit in macrame. Cu firele subtiri putem crea minunate bijuterii sau dantelarii iar cu cele din ce in ce mai groase, panouri decorative, haine, perdele, snururi samd.
Dupa mine, o conditie esentiala a firelor este aceea de a pastra forma nodului pe care il cream. Nu vrem un fir prea moale sau prea pufos ptr ca asa nu vom mai putea pastra modelul pe care ni-l imaginam si va iesi doar o masa mare de fire prinse intre ele dar fara o forma consistenta.
In afara de fire, in macrame mai folosim: pietre, margele (de toate tipurile si dimensiunile), inele de lemn, metal, plastic, orice alte elemente de decor sau pe care le putem incorpora in creatiile noastre.
Practic, gama de materiale pe care le putem folosi in macrame si in micromacrame este inepuizabila.
Materials used in macrame
From the thinnest to the thickest, any thread can be used in macrame. The thin wires we can create beautiful jewelry and laces and with increasingly thicker, decorative panels, clothes, curtains, cords and so on.
In my opinion, an essential condition of the wires is to keep the shape of knote that you create. We do not want a too soft or too fluffy yarn because so we will not be able to keep the model that we imagine and will only get a big meal of wires fastened together but without a consistent form.
Besides wire in macrame we also use: stones, beads (of all types and sizes), rings of wood, metal, plastic, or any other decorative elements that we can incorporate into our creations.
Basically, the range of materials that you can use in macrame and micromacrame is inexhaustible.
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